The Girl

The Girl Behind The Blog

Hello there! I'm Grace Anne, a teenage girl from the southern U.S. I'm a senior in high school, and I've been homeschooled almost my entire life. Performing and writing are my two greatest passions, and one day I hope to be a novelist. In the meantime, you can usually find me laughing with friends, dancing everywhere that I go, singing constantly, loudly, and badly, or tucked away in my room with a good book. Speaking of books- I'm a huge bibliophile. I tend to stress out far too much, and books (along with Ed Sheeran and a nice dose of chocolate) are my medicine. As you've probably guessed, I'm an introvert- infp/isfp to be exact. A blogger who's an introvert- a shocker, I know. 

What else? Let's see. I'm probably too girly for  my own good, and have a minor obsession with makeup. I'm a crazy cat lady at heart, despite only having one cat. Binge watching NCIS is one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. I will forever dream of working in a bookstore. Musical theatre gets me through life, and I can almost guarantee that some form of song lyrics are running through my head at any given moment, no matter what's going on. I'm an aspiring photographer, though I'm not very good yet. Long conversations make me a very happy girl. I'm a huge Disney lover, of the belief that the world always needs a bit more magic. Sarcasm is my second language. The beach is my happy place- cold weather makes me want to cry. I'm told by some people that I'm perky, not quite sure about that one yet. I live in the nation of Procrastination. And I believe that we were all created to create.

Most importantly, I'm a daughter of Christ, redeemed by His grace. And I would love to get to know you! 

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